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Whew, I Can Breathe!!!

What a day!!! Curt flew out at 6:30 this morning, he left for the airport at 4:15 am. Thankfully Ed came over before he had to go to work this morning and went with me to get Curt's car and brought it back for us! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
But let me tell you, it was one thing after another today! I guess it didn't help, I was a little stressed not hearing from Curt until 8:30 TONITE!!! He got into Mexico about noon. I didn't see any plane crashes on the news on the internet, but for me, if I don't hear his voice and KNOW he made it, I am gonna worry. I am not normally this bad, but for some reason, I was! Last time he flew to Mexico and even when he went to China, I was not this bad... Dunno...
I think, ok, I don't think, I KNOW the kids knew I was stressed and could sense it and they were SUPER bad!!!!!!! It was seriously one thing after another!!! Fingers pinched, toes crushed and stepped on, heads banged, paper cuts, tears over NOTHING, split milk, split cereal, pb and j in the hair and face, fall down half the stairs, talking back, spitting, more confusion on why Mr. Ed drove daddy's car, where was daddy, why did we go to the airport and not see daddy, why doesn't daddy answer his phone.... Do I need to go on? Yes, these things happen, but when I am already uptight, this doesn't all happen at ONE time!!!!!! I had a friend call me tonite at 7:25, milk got spilt so I told her I would call her back in about 5 minutes.... The 5 minutes turned into 30 minutes! I tried to call her back, but when I went to pick the phone up, more mass chaos!!!!!!!! So, the day is almost over, the girls were asleep within 20 minutes of putting them to bed, that NEVER happens!!!!!!!! Gavin was asleep within 10... Now, I need to go get some stuff done and hit the hay myself! Praying a better day awaits us tomorrow!
Curt is in Mexico! He saw "his" 2 girls from last year visit, the one girl saw him and her eyes lit up! Curt went over to her right away and asked if she remembered calling him a "Crazy Monkey"? She did! ;o) She is learning more English, so she took him around to show him everything! He said it was 98 degrees today! Sure it will be the same or hotter tomorrow! Will keep updating this as I hear from him. But I know he will have more stories and pics to go with them!!! He said he would post them all, so this is a warning!!! :O) It will be a TON on one blog, or MANY blogs coming! :O)


Angela said…
Oh, man - kids do have a way of knowing when we're stressed. Ugh. I sure hope today is a better day!
Glad to hear Curt made it in safely and can't wait to hear all the stories! I know it will be an amazing trip for him!
So glad Ed could help ... and for future reference, we'll be mad if you get those babies out in the wee hours of the morning or night without asking for our help! :-)
Jena said…
Glad he made it safe! Remember I am here for you if you need ANYTHING :) See you Thursday!
Anonymous said…
Whew, now you are making me nervous. Jon will be out of town for business this Sunday through Thursday...uh oh!

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